Liberty Station’s Tree Lighting and Holiday Festivities, Nov. 29

| November 4, 2019 | Comment Now!

Liberty Station invites the community to celebrate the season at its 2019 Salute the Season main event, the Liberty Station Tree Lighting and Holiday Festivities, taking place in the North Promenade on Friday, Nov. 29, from 4 to 9 p.m. Visitors will enjoy a magical evening of the iconic 88-foot Norfolk pine tree lighting as well as live entertainment, festive firetruck rides, free photos with Santa, and “The Grinch” movie showing. Salute the Season will continue with more celebrations, including The Nutcracker Tea on Sunday, Dec. 15, and Rady Children’s Ice Rink at Liberty Station through Sunday, Jan. 5.

“Each year, we’re delighted to bring the community together to celebrate the season of joy with their friends and family,” said Laurie Albrecht, executive director of Liberty Station Community Association. “Our annual Liberty Station Tree Lighting and Holiday Festivities at a site so rich in culture, community, and history and has become a beloved San Diego tradition.”

The evening will begin with live entertainment at 4 p.m. At 6:15 p.m., guests will gather around the 88-foot Norfolk Pine in the North Promenade to watch it come alive with holiday spirit as a Rady Children’s Hospital patient family lights the towering tree from top to bottom.

For more information about this year’s Salute the Season events, visit

The Christmas tree at Liberty Station will be lit at 6:15 p.m.

Category: Entertainment, Events, Local News

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