Local Philanthropists Continue To Spread Message of Giving

Malin and Roberta Burnham of Point Loma are known for their giving spirits and commitment to San Diego. Recently, I spoke to Malin who talked about the importance of giving back to the community and how he and his wife, Roberta, believe that it is important to focus on “putting community first before self.”

Malin has chaired nine major non-profits and has co-founded 14 organizations in his career, most providing direct benefit to San Diego, California and the nation. In the sports world, he played a leading role in bringing the America’s Cup to San Diego, and he is a former partner/owner of the San Diego Padres and the San Diego Sockers.

Some if his more recent, local board roles include the UCSD Foundation, Rady School of Management, and the USS Midway Museum, and he co-endowed the Burnham-Moores Center for Real Estate at University of San Diego.

Malin and Roberta Burnham are pictured at a recent event to thank San Diego’s donors.

Malin and Roberta Burnham are pictured at a recent event to thank San Diego’s donors.

To demonstrate their continued commitment to “community,” The Malin Burnham Center for Civic Engagement was established. The vision project involves both physical changes and institutional reforms needed to accommodate an expected 1.3 million increase in the local population over the next 40 years. The organizations focus is on education, jobs, housing and transportation and quality-of-life issues, like libraries and parks.

Almost 20 years ago, Malin began thinking that such an institution was needed to reflect opinions outside those voiced by business leaders and political groups. Malin understands that in order to engage the community, you must empower San Diegans to participate and contribute.

“Collaboration, innovation and leadership” are just some of Malin’s goals for San Diego. He believes that the time is ripe for new thinking on what San Diego can become. Thankfully, Malin says he has the “genes, energy and proven leadership” to help with this effort.

If you haven’t met Malin and Roberta, you should make an effort to get to know them.

These are two people who are collaborators, innovators and leaders and who continue to give to their community with ideas, funds and other important resources.

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