Mission Hills Artist Wins Best of Theme Award

| October 8, 2022 | Comment Now!

Ann Slater, an artist and resident of Mission Hills, San Diego, California, has won the Best of Theme award in the September 2022 San Diego Watercolor Society (SDWS) member’s exhibition Break for Soup, an in-gallery show of the SDWS at 2825 Dewey Road in Liberty Station, San Diego, CA. Slater’s painting titled Happy Days was selected by prominent local artist Edward Abrams for this honor. Abrams said of the painting, “This is a happy dog, he looks like he wants that soup. The colors and the way the artist handled them, the composition and the design, in the way the lines go together, it works really well. You want the dog to talk; the attention is off the frame.”

Ann Slater was born and raised in San Diego.  She received a degree in mathematics with a minor in art from San Diego State University.  The next 14 years were spent traveling and working in restaurants. Returning to San Diego she taught at Carlsbad High and at her alma mater, San Diego High School.  Slater credits the SDWS for her growth as an artist.  Animals are a common theme in her watercolors.  Her work creates depth by layering shapes of different sizes.  Eye movement is achieved by directional lines and placement of color. Slater is a signature member of the Western Federation of Watercolor Societies and had a painting selected for last year’s show in Utah.  She regularly has work exhibited in the SDWS gallery and has won multiple awards from the monthly member’s shows.

The San Diego Watercolor Society, a 501(C)(3) non-profit organization founded in 1965, is dedicated to expanding the appreciation of and involvement in water media painting through education, exhibition and promotion.  More information can be found at http://www.sdws.org.

Happy Days by Ann Slater is mixed media. Photo is courtesy of the San Diego Watercolor Society


Category: Art, Local News

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