Mission Hills Garden Club Seeks Your Help
By Rebecca Long, president
The Mission Hills Garden Club was founded in 1998 to bring together friends and neighbors, to share our knowledge and love of gardening; to educating and supporting those interested and to beautifying our community. Over the years, we worked to expand our outreach from putting on the first San Diego garden walk, to initiating children’s programs and horticultural scholarships. And now we need help so we can continue at our usual level. We need you!
COVID has been a challenge to all, and the garden club did not escape the stresses. We are looking for new board members to fill some important gaps on our board for this coming fall. Currently, we need a new president, program chair and membership chair. If any of these positions interest you or if you’d like more information on our club, please visit the website at https:www.Missionhillsgardenclub.org/board. You can also call Elaine Wilson at 619-295-7944 or contact her via email at Eirvwilson@cox.net.
Whatever questions you might have, she will put you in touch with the person who will answer them. Our club is comprised of a great team of people, and we hope you will join us.

Category: Gardening, Life Style, Local News, Nonprofit, Politics