Mission Hills Heritage to Host Free Workshop on Historic Districts

| March 4, 2017 | Comment Now!

Do you want to know the facts about historic districts and what they mean for you and your neighbors? Then mark your calendars for Saturday, March 11, 2017, when Mission Hills Heritage will host a free public workshop to explain and answer questions about historic districts. The workshop will take place in the auditorium of Francis Parker Lower School, located at 4201 Randolph Street in Mission Hills, from 1 to 3 p.m.

Mission Hills is home to two existing historic districts formed ten years ago. These historic districts currently encompass over 275 homes. Additionally, the City of San Diego’s Planning Department has surveyed and identified numerous potential historic districts in Mission Hills and throughout Uptown. However, it became apparent during the recent Uptown Community Plan Update that there is a lack of information and much misinformation circulating about historic districts. The goal of this workshop is to provide accurate information, dispel myths and address concerns about historic districts.

The session will feature two speakers knowledgeable about the formation and operation of historic districts: Diane Kane, Ph.D., is a retired senior planner who worked with the City of San Diego’s Historical Resources Board, and Ione R. Stiegler, FAIA, is principal architect with IS Architecture, specializing in projects with historical aspects. Both speakers have handled large-scale historic surveys and the implementation of historic districts.

Discussion topics will include how the City treats properties within historic districts, how historic districts benefit and restrict properties, and how historic districts are define. They will also include the difference between historic districts and individually designated historic sites, the process for surveying and establishing historic districts, and the meaning of terms such as “contributor” and “non-contributor.” A question and answer session will follow.

Light refreshments will also be provided. So please bring your questions and an inquiring mind to this free public workshop. For more information about Mission Hills Heritage and our projects, go to www.MissionHillsHeritiage.org.

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