Mission Hills Residents Join Park Staff to Clean Presidio Park

Parish Rye, park ranger for La Jolla, gave a tour and background on Presidio Park to Mission Hills residents who helped in the clean-up efforts for the park. (Photo courtesy of Pat Giles of Mission Hills.)

Parish Rye, park ranger for La Jolla, gave a tour and background on Presidio Park to Mission Hills residents who helped in the clean-up efforts for the park. (Photo courtesy of Pat Giles of Mission Hills.)

This past April, residents of Mission Hills and other San Diego residents joined City of San Diego and Caltrans’ staff to remove trash, dead brush and trees from Presidio Park. Organizers for this effort were Bob O’Connor, who is the Neighborhood Watch Captain for Presidio Hills, and Tom O’Connor (not related) also of Mission Hills.

Tom O’Connor, who owns CalMarine, provided all of the transportation, workers, barbecue (tables, food and drink) for the event. Both Tom and Bob grew up in Mission Hills and are committed to protecting and supporting Presidio Park. Gardening equipment was supplied by the park staff and Caltrans.

One of the highlights of the clean-up event was the one hour tour of Presidio Park given by park ranger, Parish Rye. Ranger Rye spent 10 years as the Presidio park ranger, but is now stationed in La Jolla. He has substantial knowledge about the history of the park, but also, incredible knowledge about the plants and trees in the park. Rye shared with Mission Hills residents that the park is comprised of a significant number of plant/tree specimens from all over the world. Kate Sessions was instrumental in bringing many of them to the park that was owned by George Marston. The Arbor area has no known historical significance, yet, the grass area around Cosoy Street was a reservoir and later an amphitheater area.

The Mission Hills residents are planning to continue this clean-up effort as a way of caring for their neighborhood park and showing appreciation to those who made it possible, including George Marston and Kate Sessions.

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