Mission Hills Town Council Announcement
By Ginny Ollis
Proving again that we humans are “pack animals,” residents and guests of Mission Hills poured into Pioneer Park on the 4th of July for the traditional parade, BBQ contest, children’s games and concert. Even the drizzling skies did not cause people to give up their neighborhood get-together. The Town Council registered over 100 new members, and decided to initiate a “Newcomer’s Recognition” at future concerts and events, because community is what Mission Hills is about.
At their July 12th Trustees meeting, the Council trustees addressed a full docket, including the appointment of two new trustees to fulfill vacated terms. Bernie King, a new lifetime member of the Council, and Belinda Smith, very active with the “Walk the Wash” program, were unanimously approved, and Smith also agreed to be secretary.
Good news was reported by Jay Hill, CEO of the San Diego Public Library Foundation. $10 million has been generated by substantial donors toward the new Mission Hills-Hillcrest Library at Washington and Front Streets, and with only $7 million more needed, construction could begin soon.
Ian Clampett, representative for San Diego City Councilman Kevin Faulconer, reported boundary resolution between Mission Hills and Hillcrest, a moving target that has been identified as First Avenue, Dove and Curlew Street, as aligned officially now on the north south street of Albatross, coincident with the parking meter districts and distribution of these revenues to the communities.
Todd Gloria’s representative reported that the City Council is focusing on improving parking in the Hillcrest/Mission Hills areas. A park and ride arrangement with shuttle is being considered down west of I-5 at the Pacific Highway area, as well as additional trolley parking. The Councilmembers also reported the city budget is in better condition this year, allowing the addition of 8 more open hours a week at each of the city libraries and 5 more service hours at the community rec centers, and $130 million dollars in surface street repairs and repaving.
In other business, the Town Council allocated $300 for the repainting of the children’s play area mural at Pioneer Park, reporting that the City is about to upgrade the nearby bathroom and area for ADA compliance.
Belinda Smith presented the “Walk the Wash” plans to create a grade separated path for bikes and pedestrians along Washington Street as it comes up the hill from India Street to 3rd Avenue.
Jonathan Alexander and Celeste Byers, two young artists, reported their negotiations with the owner of the M-3 Music store next to the current library, to paint a mural on this wall.
The Council voted to fund $300 for the provision of half of the 48,000 “doggy poop bags” provided at Pioneer Park.
Additionally, Environmental Services to coordinate palm tree trimming for Mission Hills residents, and specific information and registration may be made on line at www.missionhillstowncouncil.org.

The winners of the 4th of July barbeque contest are pictured (left to right): Chip Breitenkamp and Frans van der Lee of “Two Men and a Smoker”
Category: Local News