Mission Hills United Methodist Church Celebrates 100 Years of Worship and Ministry

| January 6, 2015 | Comment Now!

Mission Hills United Methodist Church marks its centennial in the New Year. The church, located at 4044 Lark Street, was dedicated on Jan. 17, 1915. The celebration will include a rededication of the church building and sanctuary at 10 a.m. Sunday, Jan. 11, 2015, with Bishop Minerva G. Carcaño of the California-Pacific Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church.

A community centennial celebration will take place from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 17, 2015, with tours of the building, musical entertainment, fun activities for children and families and an old-fashioned barbeque, complete with hamburgers, hot dogs and throwbacks like molded Jello® salad.

A celebratory worship service will be held at 10 a.m., Sunday Jan. 18, 2015, with birthday cake immediately after.

In the past few years, the community has taken note as the church has undertaken extensive renovation projects in preparation for the centennial. Both the interior of the Craftsman-style sanctuary and the exterior of the building were preserved, including the precious Judson Studios stained glass windows and the wood surrounding them. Mission Hills Heritage presented the Hauck Award to the congregation for excellence in preservation for the efforts.

Rev. Karen Clark Ristine, who has served as the church’s minister for the past six years, said, “Our hope and prayer is to be a continuing connection to the community for the next 100 years.”


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