Mo`olelo Receives Honors

| July 31, 2012 | Comment Now!

Executive Director Earns Grant

For the last several years, my friend and business associate, Ilene Hubbs, has been singing the praises of Seema Sueko, the co-founder and executive artistic director of the Award-winning Mo`olelo Performing Arts Company. Recently, Hubbs and I met to discuss Mo’olelo and what it has accomplished as a young theatre company. Hubbs told me that an exciting announcement was forthcoming. She invited me to attend a celebration event at the 10th Avenue Theatre. I decided it was time to learn more about Mo`olelo Performing Arts Company and Seema Sueko.

The evening of the celebration the theatre was almost filled to capacity. The audience, which included board members of Mo’olelo and Victoria Hamilton, executive director of the City of San Diego Commission for Arts and Culture, was anticipating some exciting news. Rightly so, as Seema Sueko was introduced as the recipient of Theatre Communications Group’s (TCG) prestigious and inaugural Leadership U[niversity] One-on- One Grant. The $75,000 award will provide Sueko with a 16-month in-depth mentorship with Molly Smith, artistic director of Arena Stage at the Mead Center for American Theater in Washington, DC.

I quickly realized that this is a very important honor. The Theatre Communications Group (TCG) is the national organization for the nonprofit American theatre. In addition to publishing the magazine American Theatre, they convene national conferences and create innovative grant programs that advance the field, such as Leadership U[niversity].

The Leadership U[niversity] program was designed by TCG and is funded by The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. The overall intent of this program is to strengthen the field of American theatre by developing the individuals who are the core and future of theatre. Obviously, Sueko is being seen as a rising star in the theatre industry, and Mo`olelo is also benefitting from this honor and recognition.

Seema Sueko, left, is pictured with
Mo’olelo’s Board President Ilene Hubbs.

What I should mention is that Hubbs is board president of Mo`olelo and has been involved with the organization since its inception. She’s seen Sueko in action and been participating in Mo’olelo’s development.

Hubbs informed me that the Leadership U[niversity] grant program will be completed in 2014, which is the 10th Anniversary of Mo`olelo Performing Arts Company. According to Hubbs, “This opportunity is coming at the perfect time. In 2014 we’ll celebrate all that Mo`olelo has been over the past years. And we’ll look forward to what we’ll become and what innovations and advancements will be inspired during Seema’s mentorship for our future.” I congratulate Ilene Hubbs for seeing a diamond in the rough. And, I look forward to watching Seema Sueko shine as she continues to make great strides as an artistic creative director.

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