Mother and Daughter on a Musical Mission

| April 30, 2012 | Comment Now!

With the release of her new 13 original song CD in February 2012, singer and songwriter Jessica Lerner is emerging as a professional artist and performer. Alongside her on this journey is her mom and manager, “mommager,” Pamela Lerner, who reside in Bonita, Calif.

Jessica realized her passion for music when she was five-years old. That’s when she asked her mom for permission to participate in a talent show. Then at eight years old, Jessica got her big break by singing the national anthem at the opening ceremony of a Padres’ game.

According to Pamela, Jessica was poised and professional singing to upward of 24,000 people. That’s when Jessica realized her desire to be a professional performer, asking her mom to assist with this effort. Jessica then sang at retirement homes and at other venues, including San Diego shopping centers, charity and military benefit concerts, the San Diego County Fair, and festivals and clubs. Her resume now states that she has sung the national anthem a total of 15 years for the San Diego Padres, and for 50,000 people at a 2011 San Diego Chargers game.

Jessica, in addition to singing, is an accomplished musician, performing on piano and guitar. She is also an established songwriter, known for her “relatable” lyrics. According to Pamela, Jessica starts with an intended message. Her music is a vehicle to express real- life situations that others can relate to. Then she writes the lyrics and the music.

I heard Jessica perform as the opening act for the Mark Christopher Lawrence Presents; A night of Comedy at the House of Blues in downtown San Diego. I was very impressed with her unique style, strong vocal range and control. She has a style that I will refer to as country pop. It is relatable music.

And, she’s an entire package. Jessica is attractive and approachable. She impresses me as entertainer who wants to be a respected musician, singer and songwriter. So far, she appears to be on the right path with the assistance of her mommager, Pamela.

What’s it like to be a mommager to such a talented, motivated and musically focused daughter? According to Pamela it’s a thrill. And, though she has the normal, parental fears, she is proud of Jessica and her brothers, who are also creative.

“I trust Jessica and am honest with her,” Pamela offered. She added, “As a mother, you have to let them be who they are…I am not going to try to change them from living their dreams.”

Jessica Lerner”s album is now available on itunes and you can see her perform at

Category: Local News

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