Mother’s Day and Celebrating Families

| April 27, 2017 | Comment Now!
Mission Hills residents have shared their gardens and have provided the means to further the legacy of the Mission Hills Garden Walk.

Mission Hills residents have shared their gardens and have provided the means to further the legacy of the Mission Hills Garden Walk.

As I was envisioning my plans for May and getting ready for some of the events that are a part of this month, I was reminded of the most meaningful day that we celebrate, Mother’s Day. For those of us with Mothers who have been so important in our lives, we are grateful to be able to thank and recognize them for their unconditional love. We have been blessed with their kindness, love, devotions and contributions, and their ability to create a legacy for future generations.

Often, we don’t totally appreciate all that our mothers have done until we don’t have them to share our successes and burdens. Then it really hits home. They have been an amazing influence in our lives and have provided us with an internal strength that is truly a gift.

For those of us who have lived in Mission Hills for an extended period of time, we also know that Mother’s Day is the day after the Mission Hills Garden Walk. It has also become a legacy. That’s because it allows friends and guests of Mission Hills the opportunity to enjoy the generosity and gift of others.

Mission Hills Garden Walk was started 19 years ago due to the vision of Fausto and Toni Palafox and their family, the owners of Mission Hills Nursery, who worked with the residents of the community to share their concept of creating a natural environment that is pleasant to all the senses. That’s because beautiful gardens are attractive. They have a positive impact on the community and also benefit the creatures of our world that need and prosper from a healthy plant environment (Including bees, butterflies and birds).

As we celebrate the 19th Annual Mission Hills Garden Walk, we are reminded that one person’s concept is only a thought. It becomes real when others also share that vision and mission. That’s why we want to thank all the residents over the 19 years who have participated in being a part of this effort by sharing their yards and gardens and the team of Mission Hills Garden Walk volunteers who have given of their time and resources to make the event an annual occurrence.

Adding to the season of celebration, recently, Fausto Palafox announced his family’s successful purchase of the land the historic Mission Hills Garden Center occupies. The future of this beloved historic landmark and community treasure is now secure.

Toni and Fausto Palafox credit their son, Tiger Palafox, for handling the complex banking and legal issues involved in the sale with skill and determination. And they gratefully thank their neighbors and customers in the Mission Hills area and beyond for unwavering support throughout the lengthy ordeal.

Fausto Palafox offered his own perspective of the outcome, “How many 100-year-old nurseries are there in California or on the West Coast?”

Congratulations Palafox family! Here’s to your continued legacy of nurturing nature throughout San Diego.

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