Mother’s Day Wishes

| April 30, 2012 | Comment Now!

As we look toward Mother’s Day, it’s obvious that this is the time of the year to thank our Moms for all they do. It’s also the time of the year when we ask our Moms what they want to do to celebrate Mother’s Day. Many of the Moms I’ve spoken to say that they simply want to spend the day enjoying just being with their children.

Well, I recently met a group of Moms who said that, that specific desire (to spend more time with their children in order to be a continuous, positive influence in their lives while they’re growing up) was the driving force in these Moms’ decision to make a change in their lives.

These Moms have all had full-time jobs, however, at one point or another, each of them found that she had that quality time to spend with her children, but only as a result of downsizing or other life circumstances that negatively impacted her family’s finances. This mixed blessing brought on by circumstances outside of these Moms’ control caused each of them to ask herself a serious question: “Is there a way that I can both be there for my children and provide ‘full-time income’ for my family?”

Heidi Bartolotta with her daughters (left) Becca and Katie.

Three San Diego-based women who’ve answered that question with a resounding “yes” are Mendy Cady-Piranio, Angie Gange and Heidi Bartolotta. These extremely talented, professional women are now working with MomsMakingSixFigures, a home-based business that has allowed them to create financial security while enjoying quality time with their growing children.

Angie Gange with her sons (left to right), Scottie, Charlie and Christian.

Angie Gange, who has three sons, one of whom has just started college, is a former mortgage broker. Due to the dramatic shift in the real estate market, Gange suddenly found herself no longer a major contributor to the family income. Despite the financial blow, Gange was strangely grateful for the change because she was able to spend more time with her sons. For her, as well as tens of other women, the solution was MomsMakingSixFigures. Gange says, “I don’t mind working hard, but I want it on my terms and around my family. I want to be there for my sons when they have a big test, get their hearts broken, or are playing in an important game.”

Mendy Cady-Piranio (right) and her daughter, Bella.

Mendy Cady-Piranio, mother of an active twelve year old girl and wife to a firefighter, worked for years in the children’s toy industry. With her husband’s schedule having him away from home multiple days at a time, and her daughter’s growing schedule she needed to find a way to balance her family, as well as to contribute to the family’s finances.

“MomsMakingSixFigures helps me connect with others, work from home, and be my own boss. It allows me to fit a business around my daughter’s life, not my daughter’s life around my business,” Cady-Piranio stated.

Angie and Mendy have chosen to join a business team that provides the means to achieve true financial security and quality “Mom time.”

To learn more about MomsMakingSixFigures, call (858) 472-7584, or, visit

Category: Local News

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