Old Town San Diego 2020 Dia de los Muertos

| October 12, 2020 | Comment Now!

Due to COVID-19 restrictions on festivals and large gatherings, Dia de los Muertos will look a lot different in Old Town this year. Old Town San Diego will not be hosting a traditional procession or displaying an altar in the El Campo Santo cemetery. Yet, you will be able to find Old Town decorated in honor of the holiday.

Displaying art and altars around Old Town businesses. Old Town businesses will display their altars from Thursday, October 15 through Sunday, November 15, so that everyone has time to view each one.

Originating in Mexico, Dia de los Muertos is a celebration to remember and honor those who have departed. On this day in Mexico, the streets near cemeteries are filled with decorations, flowers, candy calaveras and parades. Mexican families

create special altars displaying offerings of food, candles, incense, ocre yellow marigolds and photos of departed loved ones.

You will still be able to find decorations and photo backdrops honoring the traditional holiday in Old Town San Diego. Stop by participating businesses for a map of altars and decorations and remember to observe social distancing guidelines and to wear your mask.

Decorative altars will be on display at local restaurants and businesses in Old Town San Diego from Thursday, October 15 through Sunday, November 15.

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Category: Entertainment, Events, Food, Holidays, Local News

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