Old Town San Diego Celebrates Antonio Garra Day
The Pala Band of Mission Indians and the First San Diego Courthouse Museum are proud to announce the 2024 Antonio Garra Day, a commemorative event honoring the life and legacy of a true Native American patriot, Antonio Garra. This special celebration will take place on Saturday, March 16, 2024, from noon to 4 p.m. at the Old Town San Diego State Historic Park, 4002 Wallace Street.
Antonio Garra was a significant figure in the fight for the rights and sovereignty of Southern California and Northern Baja tribes. Despite being illegally executed in 1852 amidst anti-Native American hysteria, Garra’s legacy as a leader and advocate for his people endures. This event seeks to celebrate his contributions and the continued resilience of the California Indian communities.
A respected leader, Antonio Garra valiantly fought for the rights of Southern California and Northern Baja tribes. His execution in 1852 marked a dark chapter in the history of Native American struggles during the early statehood of California. Garra’s final words, “Gentlemen, I ask your pardon for all my offenses and expect yours in return,” reflect his enduring dignity and resilience.
Antonio Garra Day is a family-friendly event that is free and open to the public. We invite everyone to join us in honoring the memory of Antonio Garra and celebrating the enduring spirit of Native American communities. Event highlights for the day, include the following.
Experience the enchanting melodies of traditional bird singing, a vital aspect of Native American culture performed by local Native American bird singers.
Listen to powerful speeches that delve into the historical and contemporary significance of Antonio Garra’s life.
Discover the rich history and vibrant culture of the local Native American communities through interactive demonstrations and informative exhibits.
This event is supported by an array of groups and individuals dedicated to preserving and promoting Native American heritage, including the Rincon Band of Luiseño Indians, Cahuilla Band of Indians, Dr. Stan Rodriguez, Pala Cultural Resources Committee, Phillips Books, CSUSM Sovereignty Center, Pala Environmental Department, Pala Language Revitalization Program, Sycuan Band Of The Kumeyaay Nation, and more.

Don’t miss this opportunity to connect with San Diego’s Native American history through a day filled with music, speeches, and cultural exhibits. Let us come together to remember a hero who fought valiantly for the rights and sovereignty of his people.
Join us in commemorating a pivotal figure in California’s history and celebrating the rich cultural heritage of the Native American communities.
Category: Culture, Events, Historical, Local News