People’s Association of Justice Advocates Make Special Request to Mayor Gloria and Councilman Joe La Cava to Not Initiate Sunday Parking Meters

| March 2, 2025 | Comment Now!

On Monday, February 24, Shane Harris, president and founder of People’s Association of Justice, sent a formal request to Mayor Gloria and Councilman Joe La Cava regarding a proposal to remove free parking meters on Sundays in San Diego. While Harris understands the 250-million-dollar budget deficit the city is facing he also believes that the administration has not built a trustworthy precedent on the city’s financial management.

Shane emphasized with Mayor Gloria his observation of what has taken place since he was first sworn in as mayor, “You started immediately working to establish tons and tons of new programs, departments and over exerting resources knowing that a budget deficit was looming over the city. We did not have the resources to establish all the departments, new initiatives and programs that you did.”

Shane also pointed out that four years ago, with the looming crisis we are now facing, Mayor Gloria had the space and the ability to balance the books, make smarter investments, develop a stronger rainy-day fund and ultimately look at some of the reforms that you are now making such as the recent uptick of parking meter prices.

According to Shane, “Many of us told you that the tax increase would not pass, and it didn’t. Now you are looking at trying to punish the residents of San Diego by nickeling and diming everything to make up for the tax increase that didn’t happen and your longstanding mismanagement and lack of ability to balance the books and you are piling all this nickel and dime strategy in at one time seeking to tax the voters at every turn.”

Shane emphasized that removing free Sunday meters is not going to fix the deficit issue, “Meters on Sundays is not going to decrease this deficit at any significant number to cause more trouble for our disabled residents, low-income residents from communities across south San Diego and already overpopulated areas.”

The People’s Association of Justice Advocates is a national civil rights organization and policy institute founded to keep Dr. Martin Luther King’s dream alive through direct action with a balanced standard of justice for all no matter what race, religion, criminal record, sexuality, gender status, or citizenship.

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Shane Harris has been working on behalf of the people of San Diego on various important topics.
Shane Harris has been working on behalf of the people of San Diego on various important topics.

Category: Events, Finance, Government, Local News

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