Rhythm Renewal – Drum Circle for Women

| October 10, 2013 | Comment Now!

From 4 p.m. to 6 p.m., Sunday, October 20 Expressive Arts, located at 3201 Thorn Street, invited you to Treat your Body, Mind & Spirit in this uplifting rhythm journey. Discover peace in your inner rhythms, unleash your creative expression, and rock out in celebration with other women.

This intimate circle is a place to relax and enjoy the health benefits of drumming, take time to appreciate yourself, and super-charge your intentions for the coming weeks.

All experience levels welcome! Drums provided, or bring your own. Cost is $10 (or pay what you can). Upcoming dates: October 20, November 17 and December 15.

Mary Tolena is a drummer, writer, and facilitator who loves to stir up spirited connections through rhythmic play. She is founder of Easier Teamwork, which offers team building programs with a rhythmic twist!

For more information, visit http://EasierTeamwork.com, email: info@easierteamwork.com, or call (619) 307-1003.

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