SANDAG Proposes a Vision at a Cost of $177 Billion

| October 12, 2020 | Comment Now!

This past August Mayors, City Councilmembers, Supervisors, and agency leaders from around San Diego County, who make up the SANDAG Board of Directors (Board), gathered virtually as SANDAG staff presented the vision for the 2021 Regional Plan.

Board Chair and Poway Mayor Steve Vaus in his opening remarks offered. “I am hopeful that the work they have done will lead to a better transportation network in the coming years.”

The estimated $177 billion SANDAG vision was introduced as a plan to address transportation challenges such as traffic congestion, social equity, and state and federal mandates.

Elected officials throughout the County are relying on SANDAG to represent the best interests of the communities they serve.

After the vision presentation during the meeting, Board members participated in a discussion and exchanged ideas about what our region’s transportation system should look like in the future.

The overall investment of the vision for the 2021 Regional Plan is about $177 billion over a 30-year period. A package of innovative policies, programs, and technologies will be a necessary component of the developing the long-range plan.

SANDAG staff will prepare more detailed documentation on the approach to developing the cost estimates that will be shared with the SANDAG Working Groups, Policy Advisory Committees, and Board of Directors in late 2020.

A draft 2021 Regional Plan will be available for public review and comment in spring 2021 and the Board will be asked to adopt a plan in late 2021.

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General articles by the Presidio Sentinel and Associated Partners.