Storm Drain Repairs Finally Forthcoming
After a series of serious rainstorms, residents on Hermosa Way in Mission Hills were overcome with concern regarding a storm drain that failed to work and led to a hillside being washed away. This took place in March 2023.
The drain, according to residents, Jamie and Kelly Hopkins, who live closest to the storm drain and the eroding hillside, hasn’t been maintained in many years. In fact, the access point for the storm drain was visibly blocked.
Jamie and Kelly had made numerous attempts to get action from the city to inspect the property damage, and the serious drainage issue. Though the rainy season had ended, they knew time was of essence to prevent future flood damage and to regain use of their irrigation system, which had been destroyed. The water from the clogged and blocked drain has destroyed the front pillars to their home, sprinkler lines, landscape lights, and mature vegetation. In danger is their home’s structure since the landslide is approximately 20 feet from their historic home.
Though the residents did receive an initial visit by Bruce Coons, SOHO, engineers and Councilman Stephen Whitburn, communication and calls to further the repairs seemed to have hit a standstill.
On Tuesday, July 11, Jamie and Kelly and other concerned neighbors finally met with members of the City Engineering Department and Water Department to further the effort to fix the drain, restore the hillside and fix the damages to the Hopkins’ property.
Present were Jong Choi, senior civil engineer, Engineering & Capital Projects Department; Jake Valencia of the Storm Water Department; and Carolina Delgado, project manager.
While on site, Choi stated that they would bring in contractors to do the work to assess the damage and necessary repairs, and they would also correct whatever occurred on the Hopkins’ property. That included restoring vegetation, fix electrical and sprinklers. They will bring in new soil to compact the hillside, as well as bring in vegetation to help secure the area.
Due to the steps to be taken, and amount of damage, Choi said it would probably take two to five months to complete the project.
Jamie and Kelly did express concern with a future rainy season and more deterioration of the hillside. Choi said that they will bring in pumps at the first sign of a 20 percent chance of rain.

Category: feature, Government, Historical, Local News