There is Magic and More at Red Spade Theater

| July 9, 2016 | Comment Now!

I was informed by a good friend of mine, Dan Thomas, who was the proprietor of the Gathering in Mission Hills, that a fellow magician friend of his has a theater in Old Town.  According to Thomas, this magician is quite impressive and very entertaining.  I scratched my head and said, “Where in Old Town?”  I wasn’t aware of a magic show in the area that I frequent often.

Thomas directed me to the location and invited me to attend as a guest.  How could I pass up this opportunity, especially since Dan Thomas was also involved in the production.

What I learned and experienced is that the Red Spade Theater is situated in a courtyard and isn’t visible from the street.  However, the venue, though intimate, is perfect for a magic show.  That’s because you get to be near the action and see magic close up and personal.  What’s really impressive is the magician who is responsible for Red Spade Theater.  His name is Sebastian and his show is referred to as “Intimate Miracles,” which makes total sense after you’ve seen the show.  It’s a magical evening that includes sleight-of-hand, close up magic and comedic storytelling by Sebastian. I concluded after seeing the show, “It’s as if he has the power to make impossible things happen.

According to Sebastian, “Generations of magicians have chosen parlor magic as the best way to demonstrate their close-up skills and sleight-of-hand prowess.”  Intimate Miracles is his showcase and opportunity to share his skills, talents and love for magic.

Expect an exceptional evening with surprising illusions, entertainment and a witty performer who will earn your appreciation and his passion for magic. Here’s the July 2016 schedule:

  • Intimate Miracles at 8 p.m. starring Sebastian (July 1, 2, 8, 9, 15, 22, 23, 30)


  • Saturday Night Magic at 8 p.m., July 16 starring Jeff and Kimberly Bornstein


  • Family Magic Show at 4 p.m., Sunday, July 31 starring the Amazing Derek


Red Spade Theater is located in Old Town at 2539 Congress Street, Suite B.  For information and tickets, call (619) 865-2973 or

Sebastian has the ability to make impossible things happen. Photo by Darrell Alonzi.

Sebastian has the ability to make impossible things happen. Photo by Darrell Alonzi.

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