Time is a Valuable Commodity – Decluttering Our Schedule

| October 5, 2016 | 0 Comments

Many books exist on decluttering our homes, getting rid of things. Nowadays we have the “luxury” of being burdened by having and owning too many things. Shelves are crowded and homes feel stuffy.

Things take over and cramp our quality of life. The same goes for our schedules. Calendars are filled day after day, season after season. Rarely do we have the time or presence to question the items on our to-do list. Being busy is socially encouraged. Idleness counts as being lazy and saying no to requests from others as unfriendly.

Family members often get the short end of us and are expected to understand our multitude of engagements and chores away from them. The result is often fragmented and stressful. It is worth it to ask ourselves the question about the bigger picture, about what our values and goals are for life. With the answer to this inquiry as a basis, all following items on our calendar can be inspected if they are in line with it.

We can usually be quite busy and still feel balanced and relaxed, if all our actions are aligned with the core of our life. Fragmentation and competing goals, however, can quickly lead to overload and burnout. Therefore, it is crucial to regularly investigate the nature of our daily life schedules. When decluttering our schedules it is important to exercise courage.

Instead of asking “Can I fit this in? Can I cope?” Rather ask, “Does this serve my life purpose? Does it fit in with the general theme and does it spark joy?” It is worth mentioning that going to work might not always spark joy. Yet, if we are happy with our employment in general, little nuisances are easily tolerated whereas perks can’t make up for a generally draining or aggravating job.

An example to this is topic is this column. I have written it for seven years with joy and dedication. Since the birth of my daughter last year I had to reevaluate, because time has become a rare commodity. With a heavy but determined heart do I now say goodbye to my dear readers. While the column will always be high on my list for great experiences, it does not fit in with my life in the best way right now.

Thus I go with all of you in mind, wishing you a courageous and successful decluttering of your schedules. May our paths cross again.

Author Sabine Starr is a psychologist licensed in Vienna, Austria, currently living and working in Mission Hills. She has written numerous articles for professional psychology journals. For further information, visit www.starrcoaching.com and follow her blog at www.HealthwithTaste.blogspot.com; and a new social media offering is www.facebook.com/StarrCoaching.


Category: Life Style, Local News

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Certified Life Coach