Why We Are Urging “No on Measure E”
The threat: High-rise haven
City officials want to fill the Midway community with high-rise projects. That would lead to an excessive amount of development, and much worse traffic. Access to the beaches would be cut off. You can’t enjoy the beach if you can’t get there!
The history: They deserve our gratitude
The 30-foot height limit didn’t start with politicians, it began with residents. In 1972, people saw the first high-rises being built on Mission Bay and the coast, the start of a wall separating the beaches from San Diegans.
A small group of dedicated residents got the needed signatures to put Prop. D on the ballot, where it won overwhelmingly!
Now, 48 years later, the developers are coming for the coastal communities, asking voters to repeal the 30 ft height limit for the Midway community.
Unlimited heights
If the Coastal Height Limit were removed from the Midway community, the maximum allowable height would immediately increase from 30 feet to 100 feet.
However, there could be “no height limit,” which would allow buildings as high as in downtown.
Mayor Faulconer is promoting “Complete Communities,” which specifies high density and “no height limit.” Buildings of 12 to 16 stories or higher would result. There would be no public review, no consideration of traffic, and tiny parks. What resident wants that?
If Measure E and “Complete Communities”” are adopted, we would lose the 30 feet height limit in Midway, and instead, get projects with “no height limit”!
Excessive development
The current Midway plan will allow enough development for 28,000 residents, six times the current population, too much for the small area of two square miles. Vehicle traffic is projected to be a whopping 80,000 average daily trips. Lifting the height limit with Measure E would lead to even greater excess.
Models from other cities
San Francisco has preserved four closed military bases and an amazing 82,000 acres of beautiful coastal headlands – all devoted to public use, forever.
Santa Barbara’s coastal height limit allows for an open waterfront on the Pacific for residents and tourists alike.
River Trail Park
San Diegans can return public land to public use. The Midway area is perfect for a large city park, in the cooler coastal area. River Trail Park has been proposed as a new bay-to-bay park which will serve all San Diegans.
For redevelopment areas, national planning experts have a target of 30 percent of the land designated as public parks and open space. For Midway, the city currently proposes only 30 acres total, in a community of 1324 acres. That would be only 2.3 percent, far short of the 30 percent target.
Action needed
To preserve the Coastal Height Limit, limit traffic increases, save access to the beaches for all San Diegans, and allow a beautiful city park and new sports fields, we need to vote “No on E”!
Tom Mullaney is chair of Save Coastal Access – No on E, a committee formed to preserve the 30-foot coastal height limit, and support access to beaches and parks. He can be reached at SaveCoast.org.

Category: feature, Government, Local News, Politics, Real Estate