Write Out Loud Presents Voices of Christmas
A Story Concert Reading
Write Out Loud – an organization founded in 2007 with a commitment to inspire, challenge and entertain by reading short stories aloud for a live audience – announces Voices of Christmas, the third production in their 10th Anniversary Season. Write Out Loud Story Concerts bring literature to life – aloud – with rehearsed readings by professional actors. Each program explores specific themes by weaving a variety of stories, poems and music together into a literary tapestry. Mark Christopher Lawrence (of TV’s “Chuck” fame), Stephen J. Warner, Veronica Murphy, Walter Ritter and other favorite Write out Loud artists to perform at 7 p.m., Monday, December 12 at the Old Town Theater, located at 4040 Twiggs Street in Old Town San Diego. A pre-show reception starts at 6:15 p.m. with a 7 p.m. curtain.
Write Out Loud Artistic Director, Veronica Murphy shares, “with Voices of Christmas, we are excited to step away from the commercialism of the holidays, and focus on the heart of the season. The stories focus on finding the joy of personal relationships and giving whatever you have to give while navigating tradition and our human frailties. Along with these character driven holiday stories and poems, we are thrilled to include the beautiful and haunting holiday music of Ireland by The Celtic Echoes.”
Stories of the Heart of the Season to be read, include:
• “A Christmas Memory” by Truman Capote – read by Stephen J. Warner
• “Ten Pecan Pies” by Clarence Major – read by Mark Christopher Lawrence
• “Rumpole and Father Christmas” by John Mortimer – read by the company
• “Christmas Bells” by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Tickets are $20. There are discounts for seniors, students and military. Purchase tickets for the Monday, December 12 performance at www.writeoutloudsd.com.

A cast of many will be participating in the Voices of Christmas event.
Category: Entertainment, Events, Featured Articles, Local News