Young and Seasoned Entrepreneurs Join Efforts MakerPlace is a Workshop Haven

| August 1, 2012 | Comment Now!

Several months ago, I attended the grand opening of MakerPlace, located at 1022 W. Morena Boulevard in the Linda Vista area. I thought I’d seen everything while attending this event. I was wrong. This past week I took a tour of the facility that has opened my eyes to what’s really happening at MakerPlace. Now I am totally amazed at what three guys have created. The guys I refer to are brothers Brian and Michael Salmon and their partner, Steve Herrick. What I quickly learned is that MakerPlace supports other entrepreneurs, do it yourself enthusiasts and small business owners by providing a 14,000 square foot shared fabrication workshop fully equipped with state-of-the-art tools for a variety of specialties and hobbies from 3-D printing to quilt making, woodworking, metalworking, screen-printing, electronics and embroidery.

MakerPlace is open to anyone 16 or older with a passion for creativity. Members pay a monthly fee for unlimited access to tools and equipment. MakerPlace also offers classes and workshops for people at all levels from beginner to expert, so members can advance their skills and learn new ways to innovate.

MakerPlace also plays a role as an incubator space for new businesses, allowing affordable access to tools and equipment – as well as office space, administrative support, wireless access and business services – that would otherwise be too expensive for a start-up trying to get off the ground.

MakerPlace proprietors are (left to right)
Michael Salmon, Steve Herrick and Brian Salmon.

The tour made me giddy when I saw in action that “made in the USA” is running rampant at MakerPlace. Melissa Magee of North Park, the owner of Lullababes www.lullababes. com). rents office space and uses the fabric shop at MakerPlace. Melissa makes customized blankets and has some famous clients in her line-up including actress Deirdre Hall of “Days of Our Lives,” singer Jon Secada, Glee’s Dot-MarieJones and Maxim Chmerkovsky of Dancing with the Stars.

Melissa’s husband, Thane Magee, of Griffin Skateboards (, builds custom skateboards out of MakerPlace, using equipment in both the woodshop and the laser lab. Thane patented his Axcelspring™ suspension system, which is built into a skateboard’s deck to reduce skateboard’s pressure on a rider’s hips, knees and ankles.

Pat Downing of Clairemont ( is an award-winning metal artist known for his unusual copper sculptures and his unique take on the foldforming technique. In addition to using the facility and the equipment at MakerPlace, Downing is also going to start teaching classes.

Corey Froschheuser of Arboriform ( is a Mission Hills resident who uses the woodshop at MakerPlace to design and build gorgeous wood furniture and accessories out of reclaimed and recycled materials

What also became obvious during the tour is that there is camaraderie and collaboration at its best occurring at MakerPlace. I heard from young and seasoned female and male entrepreneurs that they are experiencing personal and professional growth from being around all the other artists, designers and small business owners who work out of MakerPlace.

After getting a “valuable, reality check” about great things happening in my community backyard, I would encourage everyone to visit MakerPlace and get a little taste of “quality made in the USA.” To learn more about the entrepreneurial spirit happening in San Diego, visit

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