Free Surgeries Provided for Kids with Physical Deformities

| July 3, 2019 | Comment Now!

 Fresh Start Surgical Gifts, a local nonprofit dedicated to transforming the lives of disadvantaged infants, children and teens with physical deformities through the gift of free reconstructive surgery and other healthcare services, celebrates its 10th year at Rady Children’s Hospital with 600 free-of-cost surgeries provided for kids with physical deformities.

Fresh Start was founded in 1991 by the late Dr. Dennis Nigro, a renowned San Diego plastic surgeon, to provide quality surgical and medical care for children within the local community and around the world. Since opening its free-standing state-of-the-art clinic at the campus of Rady Children’s Hospital in 2009, Fresh Start has provided medical care valued at over $20 million for 600 patients through the Fresh Start Surgical Gifts Medical Program.

“We’re proud and humbled to have found a home in the heart of the Rady campus,” said Fresh Start CEO Shari Brasher. “Whether we’re treating a local or international patient, we take pride in being able to provide the best care possible at the Fresh Start Clinic.”

Fresh Start Volunteer Plastic Surgeon Dr. Steven Cohen played an instrumental role in forming an alliance between Fresh Start and Rady Children’s Hospital. Cohen advocated to fulfill Nigro’s wishes for a medical facility with access to operating rooms equipped with advanced technology and pediatric equipment.

Fresh Start hosts six Surgery Weekends annually where world-renowned plastic and craniofacial surgeons donate their time to provide free surgery for kids in need of reconstructive procedures at the Fresh Start Clinic.

Fresh Start treats cosmetic and physical deformities caused by birth defects, accidents, abuse or disease, and are in need of medical care. Fresh Start also treats common conditions that cause low self-esteem among children, including but not limited to: scars or birthmarks, misshapen ears and Strabismus (crossed eyes).

For more information, visit

Left to right are Michael Brucker (Fresh Start volunteer surgeon), Sandra Saw (anesthesiologist), Frances Ohira (circulating nurse), Taylor B. Keightley (Certified Child Life Specialist) and Tiago (Fresh Start patient).

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Category: Health & Fitness, Local News, Other

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