23rd Annual Little Italy Tree Lighting and Christmas Village

| October 31, 2021 | Comment Now!

The  Little Italy Association willkick-off the holiday season welcoming back its annual Little Italy Tree Lighting and Christmas Village on Saturday, December 4, from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. Transforming into a winter wonderland with Christmas twinkle lights down all the streets, Little Italy will be adorned with 10-foot tall nutcrackers on street corners, Christmas carolers and more. Family, friends, neighbors and local businesses are invited to come together to experience true holiday joy at this family-friendly event and enjoy the neighborhood’s festive décor—including two Christmas trees, seasonal vendors, live music and entertainment, holiday treats, tree lighting, and a special visit from Santa you just can’t miss.

“As much as we loved our Little Italy Holiday Special last year, we are so excited about being able to come together and celebrate the holidays this year,” said Chris Gomez, district manager of the Little Italy Association. “We can’t wait to spread more holiday magic and celebrate with everyone around us.”

The neighborhood will feature two Christmas trees — a 25-foot tree designed by California artist Joshua Hubert, located in the center of Piazza Basilone and the permanent 20’ tall live tree in the Piazza della Famiglia. While Joshua Hubert’s tree will dazzle like a disco ball all day long, the tree lighting will be taking Piazza della Famiglia at 6:30 p.m.

You also don’t want to miss the Christmas Village, located on India Street between W. Cedar and W. Grape Streets, where you’ll find one-of-a-kind stocking stuffers and other holiday goodies from seasonal vendors and select Little Italy Mercato vendors.

For more information about the Little Italy Association or the Little Italy Tree Lighting and Christmas Village visit www.littleitalysd.com.

Little Italy will feature two Christmas trees during the holiday season.

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Category: Business, Donations, Entertainment, Events, Holidays, Local News

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