Keep In The Know In Mission Hills
By Ginny Ollis
One of the best things about living in Mission Hills is the warm sense of community. Vital to this are the Mission Hills Town Council (MHTC) and the Mission Hills Business Improvement District (MHBID), who enjoy and foster the “neighborly-spirit” and welcome input as well as patronage from neighborhood residents, business owners, and visitors.
The president of the Town Council, Leah Schuchter, was recently elected and presides over the quarterly Town Hall meetings where residents can discuss topics of interest and learn of new actions and give their input; coordinate monthly board meetings (attendance by residents also welcome here); and the council committees that produce our fabulous 4th of July parade-park-picnic-concert; summer Friday night concerts; committees to enhance business development, safety, and shaping our future.
Originated to be the voice and vision of Mission Hills, the Town Council is very active in addressing issues and desires of the community, and including everyone who wants to be informed and involved. Top projects of the moment are increasing community engagement by encouraging greater participation in the dialogue that the Town Council has with local elected officials, and encouraging membership to improve production of the summer concert series.
The Town Council also works with the Maintenance Assessment District, which oversees the landscaping and beautification on Washington Street from Hawk to Albatross and on Goldfinch Street from University to Fort Stockton. MHTC strives to increase the flow of information to and from the community at the quarterly Town Hall meetings, and encourages all neighbors and business owners to “have their say.”
The executive director of the Mission Hills Business Improvement District (MHBID) is full-time employee, Susan McNeil Schreyer, the energizer bunny who has served in this role since 2014. The executive director executes business requests from business owners within the boundaries of the BID, as well as the directives of the BID board of directors.
She is a keen producer and stays in constant touch with the business owners of the community and main street organizations throughout the city and state to bring new ideas to the board, and collaborates with the leaders and activists of Mission Hills. The purpose of the BID is to improve the overall business climate of the commercial area through a committee system, which includes promotions, economic development, design and parking. The BID also has representatives on the Washington Street Maintenance Assessment District advisory committee and the Uptown Community Parking District.
The BID was established through the combined efforts of local business owners and the City of San Diego’s Community and Economic Development Department, and operates under an annual contract with the City, which provides partial funding. The BID meets twice a month on the second and third Wednesday at 3 p.m. in the new Mission Hills Library.
Top projects of the moment include ensuring the community’s voice from the BID issued survey regarding incorporated plans for a mixed-use development with retail on the ground floor at the old Mission Hills library site; implementing study findings along Reynard Way; helping manage the Washington Street Maintenance Assessment District’s work plan; managing ongoing parking and transportation concerns; attracting partnerships which promote our unique businesses, including community banners, to banner art contests for all ages; Taste of Mission Hills on October 2; and Shop Small and Small Business Saturday on November 30.
Together the Town Council and BID strive to make a meaningful difference in attracting residents and visitors who want to spend time in our historic, neighborly, and lovely surroundings. All residents are invited to contact Leah and/or Susan for any information or to deliver ideas and thoughts. The MHTC can be reached at 858-634-2512, email:; and the MHBID at 619-559-9502, You are always welcome to peruse their websites: and

Category: Business, Local News