Mama’s Kitchen Hosts West Coast’s Largest Bake Sale

| October 3, 2018 | Comment Now!

The holiday season is fast-approaching. Ringing in the season for giving thanks is the citywide favorite, Mama’s Pies Thanksgiving Bake Sale, which brings together many of San Diego’s top pastry chefs, caterers and bakeries who donate hundreds of traditional Thanksgiving pies for the fundraiser. Now in its 14th year, Mama’s Pies Thanksgiving Bake Sale, formally named “Mama’s Pie in the Sky,” benefits Mama’s Kitchen, a community-driven organization that provides nutrition services improving the lives of women, men and children vulnerable to hunger due to HIV, cancer or other critical illnesses.

Sales begin Oct. 8 and continue through Nov. 19, 2018. Pie flavors are pumpkin, traditional apple, pecan and Dutch apple, and are available for just $25 each. Pies can be purchased online via or by calling 619-233-6262.

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