Musings for a Rewarding New Year

| January 7, 2019 | Comment Now!

By the Mission Hills BID

The Patio Plaza is located at 901-915 West Washington Street.

Happy 2019! If you are anything like us, over the years you may have started making New Years’ resolutions around the changes you’d like to see in the coming months, and even broken a couple before New Year’s Day was over. This year we are focused on doing more that brings a rewarding sense of accomplishment, for the businesses in Mission Hills, and for those who patronize them. We are excited for the year ahead.

And speaking of changes, we are delighted over the new look and opening of new businesses, in recently christened The Patio Plaza, 901-915 West Washington Street. BID board member Stuart White of Stuart White Design was asked to share his design for the Mission Hills portion of the new marquee. Look familiar? It includes elements of the BID’s logo.

The BID is also excited for the arrival of the long-awaited new library at 215 West Washington and is engaged in the move of the old library to the new library, both within the boundaries of the BID, and is seeking people to help us on Saturday, January 26, with the Book Pass of the last couple hundred books. The Book Pass will take place over seven blocks along West Washington from Hawk Street to Albatross Street from 9 a.m. until 10 a.m. Check in starts at 8:30 a.m. at the new library. The official opening of the new library with the ribbon cutting by Mayor Kevin Faulconer and other local dignitaries will happen immediately following the Book Pass. Please contact the BID at for more information.

Having just elected 2019 Mission Hills Business Improvement District (BID) officers and directors, we are looking forward to the work ahead, and the board’s strategic planning workshop taking place on January 16. The Mission Hills BID, in a contract with the City of San Diego, works hard to advance its mission to:
• enhance the growth and improvement of Mission Hills businesses
• create partnerships between business and property owners that promote economic revitalization and combat deterioration in the community served by the Mission Hills Business Improvement District
• administer business and property owner assessment districts under contract with the City of San Diego, all of which are provided for by one or more ordinances of the San Diego City Council, including but not limited to Ordinance #0-17229 (the “Ordinance”), which may be amended from time to time by the San Diego City Council

This year’s board of directors are: President J. Daniel Geddis, partner in Team D&B at One Mission Realty; Vice President Don Holmes, co-owner Sushi Deli 1; Secretary Audrey Patterson of Patterson Engineering, Inc.; Treasurer Colleen Field, agency owner Allstate Insurance; Stuart White, owner Stuart White Design; Minka Hull of Mission Hills Financial; and, Amanda Gregory, assistant vice president and Branch Manager, U. S. Bank, Mission Hills.

The Mission Hills BID membership includes those persons (including corporations and other associations) holding business tax certificates, paying business improvement district charges assessed by the City of San Diego, within the boundaries of the Mission Hills Business Improvement District. All such Members have the right to vote on all matters requiring a vote of the membership. And, any may seek to be on the Mission Hills BID board of directors.

As a reminder, the Mission Hills BID meets on the second and third Wednesdays of each month at 3 p.m. In accordance with The Brown Act, the meeting locations and agendas are posted on the BID’s website, 72 hours in advance of each meeting. The second Wednesday we conduct our committee meetings; including Promotions, Economic Development, Design, Mission Hills Parking Advisory, and Executive committees. Robust discussions take place at the committee level. The third Wednesday is the meeting of the full board of directors where information is distributed and decisions are reached that impact the BID membership.

Thank you for reading this column. Like what you read? Please share with a friend. If you have questions, comments, suggestions, please send us a note to the following address:

Please visit the Mission Hills Business Improvement District’s website at and consider how you too might become more involved in 2019.


Category: Business, Events, Local News

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General articles by the Presidio Sentinel and Associated Partners.