New Possibilities and Being Thankful in Mission Hills

| March 5, 2022 | Comment Now!

by Dixie Hall, President MHBID and owner of DixiePops

As I am writing this month’s column, the sun is peeking from behind clouds and much needed rain is on its way. It’s definitely feeling like springtime and a time for growth and new possibilities. Evidence of this are the new businesses opening and expanding in Mission Hills – further helping Mission Hills residents enjoy life while remaining in their home community.

On behalf of the BID board, I wish to extend a belated welcome to Brittany Secrest, hairstylist and owner of Hair Daze on Goldfinch who specializes in low maintenance hair color and cuts.  She had been working on Goldfinch for almost a decade and always loved the neighborhood. Brittany mentioned, “I grew up working for the downstairs salon.  When I decided to open my own salon, I drove by because I remembered how great the energy was in the upstairs area. I had no idea they’d moved.  It was serendipity.”  

And, to Michelle G. Noblejas-Bartolomei, owner and director, at Balletcenter Studios, whose ballet studio has been a presence in in Mission Hills for more than twenty-five years, congratulations on the studio’s planned move from Fort Stockton to West Washington.  When asked, Michelle stated “We needed to move to a bigger space, and it was critical that we stay in Mission Hills because I love it here!” Balletcenter Studios is developing a pre-professional program for serious dancers seeking a professional career in ballet, continuing with classes for children of all ages and expanding the adult program from true beginners to the seasoned dancers.

Mission Hills BID board member, Jesse Zmuda, owner, curator, and designer at Backbone Floral and Vintage, recently expanded her West Lewis Street business onto Fort Stockton Drive.   She plans to continue growing the vintage inventory on West Lewis while focusing on floral design, candles, and cards at newly opened Backbone Floral on Fort Stockton.  Jesse shared, “I’m very excited to be expanding my business in Mission Hills!  I like to call it my happy bubble; work, live, school, shop, dine and play, there is never a reason to leave!”

As a business owner who also chose to expand, I too never considered leaving Mission Hills – DixiePops just moved up the street a few blocks. 

We on the Mission Hills BID board are so happy these business owners chose to expand and were able to remain in Mission Hills.  We are awaiting the opening of a pizza restaurant in the 800 block of West Washington and a pediatric dental practice in the 200 block of West Washington.

The BID’s Annual Strategic Planning Meeting was delayed a month so we could huddle in-person given that we had much to discuss and strategize. It was an excellent meeting with a great deal of planning accomplished for the months ahead.  I continue to be impressed by how much of a contribution each Mission Hills small business owner is making as a member of our board.  My heartfelt thank you to each of you. As a Board we would also like to thank the representatives from non-profits, the community, and elected official’s offices who joined us.  And to Cardelino, thank you for allowing us to have the almost day-long meeting in your private dining room.

I also want to thank Jaimee Brant owner of Paint Box Art Studio and Sarah Ekedal of Grant TK-8 School. Both art instructors are overseeing the hand painting of banners by school children, grades TK through high school, as a part of the Mission Hills BID hosted 2022 Colors on Canvas banner art contest.  Both Ekedal and Brant continue to instill a love for art into the lives of each of their students.  Banners are scheduled to be installed on lamp posts throughout Mission Hills the week of March 7 through the week of April 18; over a period of six weeks.  On April 27, a reception, awards celebration and auction will take place at The Frame Maker on Reynard Way in honor of the young artists. Join us from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. for this fun Mission Hills event. You will be so impressed by the young artists and their visions of Mission Hills.

As part of our outreach and promotions, the Mission Hills BID hosts quarterly mixers at a business location in the BID boundaries.  A couple years ago we extended the invitation to attend our mixers to also include those interested in supporting the BID who might not own a business.   If you are reading this, we wish to extend this invitation to you.  Our Spring Business Mixer will take place from 5:30 p.m. to 7 p.m., Wednesday, March 16, 2022 at Backbone Floral, 910 Fort Stockton Drive, with refreshments, a robust raffle and some of your favorite neighbors.  Please RSVP to

And for those who are looking for some fun days to celebrate and support Mission Hills businesses in March consider: March 4 is Employee Appreciation Day. March 13 is the start of Daylight Savings, March 17 is St. Patricks Day, followed by National Goof Off Day on March 22 and National Cocktail Day on March 24. We end the month with National Mom and Pop Business Day on March 29.

Indeed, the arrival of spring during the month of March marks a time for new possibilities.  As you consider what might be personally meaningful and have a greater positive impact, please know the Mission Hills BID is a worthy organization looking for people who want to become more involved in making Mission Hills all it can be throughout the year. Please contact us at  for more information.

Alana McFarlane is a fifth grader who is hand painting her Colors on Canvas banner at Paint Box Art Studio.

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Category: Art, Business, Donations, Education, Entertainment, Events, Local News, Nonprofit, Students

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