Pacific Crest Trail Season Attracts International Guests to Old Town

| March 31, 2024 | Comment Now!

People from across the country and globe are flying into San Diego. Some are stopping at SAVAGE BEE-CHES Old Town, located at 2802 Juan Street, unit 19, to grab some last-minute supplies or gear they can’t take on a plane. From there they use the transit system, Uber, or trail angels to get them to Campo where they start their 2,650-mile walk. 

SAVAGE BEE-CHES is the only small business, hiking and camping store remaining in San Diego. Pacific Crest Trail hikers are very supportive of small businesses because it’s small businesses along the trail that’s makes the hike possible for them. 

Two Pacific Crest Trail hikers from Germany purchased and tested fuel from SAVAGE BEE-CHES Old Town, making sure it’s compatible with the gear they brought from Germany. 

This year’s Pacific Crest Trail bandana lists all the stops along the trail and is available at SAVAGE BEE-CHES Old Town.

Fuel canisters, dehydrated meals, water filters, bear canisters, ice axes, and other assortments of gear available for hikers and campers can be purchased at SAVAGE BEE-CHES Old Town. 


Category: Business, Events, Food, Health & Fitness, Historical, Local News, Nature

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