Smart Real Estate Foreclosures Announces Website Upgrades

| November 4, 2011 | Comment Now!

For Immediate Release…

New features include Historical Data, Comparables

San Diego, CA – Real estate investment company Smart Real Estate Foreclosures, which specializes in bidding on foreclosed properties, has added two new upgrades to its website. The new features, Historical Data and Comparables, will add to the ability of investors to make informed decisions about properties. Smart Real Estate Foreclosures works with real estate investors to identify and acquire properties at trustee auction.

“These new features increase the depth and variety of services we provide to investors working with our company,”
Alan Kinzel, Smart Real Estate Foreclosures

The Historical Data feature will provide registered investors with information about past sales and the results of those sales. Currently located in the Date Selection portion of the Search form, the feature will be undergoing additional adjustments and improvements in order to provide the best results. Selecting “History” will allow investors to locate past sales and the results of those sales. In addition the sale results will be posted on the details page for each sale.

The second new feature, Comparables, will provide investors with value information on properties. The link, located on the Property Details page, provides comparables to the subject property. The feature also alows investors to see past sales and active listings. In addition, values from Zillow and are given for additional support.

“These new features increase the depth and variety of services we provide to investors working with our company,” said Smart Real Estate Foreclosure’s Alan Kinzel. “They also improve the ability of investors to completely evaluate the properties they are considering. Our goal is to provide our clients with the best available information so they can make the most informed choices.”

For more information about Smart Real Estate Foreclosures, visit the company’s website at and contact Alan Kinzel or Chris Mckanry call 619-702-7266. For media inquiries please contact Kamatoy Media Group 619-573-9456.

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Category: Business, Press Release

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VP of Media- David Kamatoy has been blogging since 2005. Growing up in traditional media and entertainment he has been an early adopter of new media. Producing nationally syndicated radio/tv for the last few years he is working new programing local and national with KZTC-7. David Kamatoy is also known as professional juggler/comedian, musician and media personality. David's involvement in Presidio Sentinel is to help integrate the traditional print publication with the new media including video, blogging, twitter, podcasting, etc.