The Diamond Process:

| January 10, 2017 | Comment Now!

How to Fix Your Organization and Effectively Lead People

Major General (Ret) Mike Diamond and his son, Captain Chris Harding, are authors of “The Diamond Process.”

Major General (Ret) Mike Diamond and his son, Captain Chris Harding, are authors of “The Diamond Process.”

Do you need help moving your organization from chaos to order, or advice to achieve better balance? “The Diamond Process: How to Fix Your Organization and Effectively Lead People” (Greenleaf Book Group; April 17, 2017), is a timely new book that was written to will help anyone understand the fundamentals of leading people and processes.

Author Major General (Ret) Mike Diamond combines his 45-years of experience leading thousands of troops and civilians in combat with that of his son and co-author, Capt. Chris Harding, whose 23-years of combat and advanced education complete a wholly innovative approach to effective leadership. Whether you’re an entrepreneur, CEO, HR executive, shift manager, Chief Learning Officer, working mom or investor seeking a functional and fruitful investment opportunity, The Diamond Process was developed to help you transform an organization and lead your team more effectively based on proven experiences and unique insights in the corporate and military worlds.

Throughout the book, Diamond and Harding insert charts, graphs, exercises and personal anecdotes from their exceptional experiences that reinforce concepts presented in the chapters: “A General’s Reflection” and “Captain’s Corners.” Both are intended to provide examples where Diamond Process Model concepts have been successfully used in actual leadership situations.

“The Diamond Process is based on a model that I developed during 40 years in leadership positions in both military and corporate sectors,” said Diamond, Founder and CEO of Diamond Strategy Group. “This book is a superb handbook for any leader who wants to run their business or organization successfully and be a champion in their field.”

Diamond and Harding created The Diamond Process as a guide to help current leaders — and others who aspire to be leaders — to not only live up to the basic expectations that subordinate workers would have of them, but also to help them progress toward a loftier standard they refer to as the “complete leader.”

The book also includes the following themes:
• That leadership skills CAN be taught
• The difference between a right- and left-brained leader
• Why HR executives should augment job descriptions with KSAs
• How investors can identify a dysfunctional organization
• How to make uncomfortable workplace changes and earn the respect of your team
• Traits employees really want in a boss
• Quiz: Are you a “people” or “process” centric leader?
• “Referent” power is stronger than “legitimate” power
• Where do you, or your boss, fit on the Leadership Scale?

For more information, visit

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General articles by the Presidio Sentinel and Associated Partners.