The Perfect Place To Purchase Your Holiday Gifts – Trillion Jewels

| November 15, 2020 | Comment Now!

With several years as a favorite shopping experience for many residents in Mission Hills and surrounding communities, Trillion Jewels, located at 2802 Juan Street in Old Town San Diego, is continuing to offer an attractive array of exceptionally unique jewelry.  Though the store closed temporarily this past year, it is back open for business.

“So glad to have reopened the store in Old Town. I have invested heavily in new inventory in 2020. Come see what I have,” offered Neil Ward, proprietor.

Also new to the store is a collection of whimsical Californian Sea Glass Art by local artist (Neil’s wife), priced from $45 to $75 dollars.  They provide a great gift for people of all ages.” 

Trillion Jewels has a great choice of all the well known and much loved gemstones such as rubies, sapphires, emeralds, aquamarines, opals, amethysts, citrine, blue topaz, tanzanite, pearls and garnets.

Top quality and unique jewelry designs are the norm (not the exception) at Trillion Jewels.

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Category: Business, Holidays, Local News

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