Top Tech Awards

| October 31, 2021 | Comment Now!

Eleven of San Diego County’s technology innovators were recognized at the 14th annual Top Tech Awards, which honors the region’s “unsung heroes” of information technology in the areas of business, education, government and nonprofit organizations.

Cox Business Vice President Duane Cameron and Director, Enterprise Sales Tiffany Markus delivered opening remarks for the virtual event. They were joined by Chris Petersen, Chief Technology Officer, and Judging Chair of Top Tech Awards 2021.

David Henderson, chief information officer for Millennium Health received the Top Tech Executive of the Year award. Jerome Fodor, chief information officer for TOOTRiS received the Top Tech Disruption award and Zeb Evans, founder and chief executive officer for ClickUp received the Cox Business Exemplary Award.

David Grand of Mission Hills was honored for his tech role with the City of Carlsbad, under the government category. There was a total of 11 category honorees, selected from nearly 200 nominations.

“Now more than ever as we face new ways of working, learning and living, IT departments are critical to an organization’s ability to be innovative and agile, and the Top Tech awards recognize those exceptional IT leaders who bring modernization to their teams and our San Diego region,” said Duane Cameron, vice president of Cox Business, which has recognized local technology leaders with the awards since 2008.

Honorees for the Top Tech Awards were nominated by their peers and customers and selected by an independent judging panel.

David Grand of Mission Hills was honored for his tech role with the City of Carlsbad.


Category: Business, Education, Events, Local News, Technology

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General articles by the Presidio Sentinel and Associated Partners.