Tag: Exercise
Rush Cycle Opens at Hazard Center in Mission Valley

Just in time for New Year’s resolutions with a health focus, Rush Cycle, an indoor cycling studio offering full-body workouts guided by skilled instructors and synced with high-energy music, has opened a location at Hazard Center in Mission Valley. Rush Cycle’s 45-minute workout combines the effective cardio burn of fast-paced indoor cycling with exercises that […]
When is the Best Time to Exercise?
There have been many debates about the effectiveness of exercise during certain parts of the day. While nighttime workouts have been thought to disrupt sleep, new research adds in a new factor of the body’s circadian rhythm to determine the best time to exercise. The human body has a circadian rhythm that corresponds with the […]
San Diego Boys & Girls Clubs Get Active with “Exergame”

There was a lot of moving around for Kassandra, 10, and her buddies who happily tested out new “exergame” kits that were donated to the Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater San Diego. Known as NERF ENERGY Game Kits, the devices help encourage children to be more physically active through “exergaming” – a videogame that […]
Ebola and Immunity
I have been getting weary of the fear-monger hype about the Ebola virus. Remember that it is, in fact, a virus. Those most susceptible to it are those with compromised immune systems; those most likely to recover are those with robust immune response. So, Ebola is a reminder to us to support our own immune […]
Presidio Meet Up For Exercise and More

by Dove Kirby If you happen to drive by Presidio Park on Tuesday or Thursday morning and see a group of people exercising, give them a shout out—rest assured they are pushing themselves. But they’re doing more than just working out their bodies, they’re giving back to the community by supporting a great cause. This […]
The Buddy Advantage
The temptations of the holiday season – baked goods, candy canes, cocktail parties and large social gatherings centered on food – can lead you down the path of weight gain, irritability and inactivity during the cold, dark winter months. To overcome these temptations and stay focused on consistently working out and eating healthy during the […]
Application Makes All the Difference
By Blake Beckcom You’ve decided, “I’m going to get into shape.” You are motivated, you are determined; you are ready to get after it. There’s no stopping you, this time. A delicious ad for a treadmill appears, and “that’s it,” “I’ll buy a treadmill and use it everyday.” You execute your purchase, obtain delivery and […]