Tag: Facebook

Privacy in Today’s Social Media World

| October 4, 2021 | Comment Now!

At Blankinship & Foster, we spend a LOT of time thinking about security and privacy to protect our clients’ hard-earned assets. So, when I set up a Venmo account recently to pay a buddy of mine for some football tickets, I was horrified by the amount of information available publicly. As I was setting up […]

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San Diegans Can Help a Local Hero Get National Attention

| October 28, 2013 | Comment Now!
San Diegans Can Help a Local Hero Get National Attention

The Emilio Nares Foundation (ENF), a San Diego non-profit that offers resources to families with children battling cancer, is pleased to announce its co-founder and executive director, Richard Nares, is among CNN’s “Top 10 Heroes of 2013.” The annual campaign recognizes everyday people who are changing the world during the “CNN Heroes: An All-Star Tribute” […]

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The 10 Commandments for Losing Weight…and Keeping it Off!

| April 5, 2012 | Comment Now!

Success breeds success. What exactly, in terms of lifestyle changes, do people who have been highly successful at both losing weight and keeping it off over the long term do? That’s just what researchers at the University of Pittsburgh and the University of Colorado set out to determine when they began their on-going study called […]

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What Now? Hack Me Not!

| March 1, 2012 | Comment Now!

No wonder Julian Assange took a talk-show host job. Given that hacking’s not what it used to be, the master’s career was probably in serious decline. If he weren’t booted out of the game by the authorities, by now his gig’s pretty far gone, anyway, taken over by … the times. By which I mean, […]

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Local San Diego Musician Jim Allen Wears Three Band Hats

| December 29, 2011 | Comment Now!
Local San Diego Musician Jim Allen Wears Three Band Hats

By Richard Cone   With the advent of Facebook, MySpace and personal websites these days, anyone in a band can have a web presence where they can post sound samples, offer CD’s for sale and list tour dates.  In the “old days,” when San Diego musician Jim Allen first started playing in a band, one […]

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