Tag: Laugh

Human TuneUp Column by Cath

| February 6, 2017 | Comment Now!

Laugh and Love Laugh enough? Belly laughs leave their ripple effect in the body. Now and then a chuckle does too. I imagine a good laugh is much like a massage – only inside. Shaking up the cells, waking them up, settling in again with a new vitality. Avoid the humorless and those with no […]

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What Now: Humor? It can really get ya’ down

| November 29, 2011 | Comment Now!

by Laura Walcher If you’ve missed your perfectly every-day sense of humor lately, well, it’s no wonder. But black humor may be your thing; if so, you’re in hog-humor-heaven with me. My personal favorite was Steven Colbert, who noted the headline, “Cain Hits Home Run with Kimmel.” “…impressive,” exuded Colbert, “because he was only trying […]

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