Human TuneUp Column by Cath

| February 6, 2017 | Comment Now!

Laugh and Love

Laugh enough?

Belly laughs leave their ripple effect in the body. Now and then a chuckle does too. I imagine a good laugh is much like a massage – only inside. Shaking up the cells, waking them up, settling in again with a new vitality.

Avoid the humorless and those with no sense of silliness. We know humor creates a great, refreshing burst of energy. Hello humor, come on in!

Love enough? Here comes Valentine’s day. Tis the season.

Love won’t be found so much in our heads as in our hearts.

Avoid too much judgment as it shuts off love. When our minds run too wild with criticisms of ourselves and others, the heart gets hurt and closes bit by bit.

When we leave our hearts open, love has a way in.

Love is the breeze that needs to flow and circulate through our lives. Not just romantic love, but the caring for each other as one human to another.

When so moved, through any simple act of love, we send love out to the world and love circulates back to us. We know this. Nice how it works.

Some acts of love:

  • Open a door for another.
  • Share a compliment.
  • Offer to help.
  • Leave a love note.
  • Pick up litter.
  • Listen, really listen.
  • Wave to a stranger.
  • Give a lottery ticket away.
  • Buy a coffee for someone.

Laughing and loving.

A powerful combination.

Cath DeStefano, Author, Fun Workshop Leader
Book Excerpt: “Vital Signs! for Life” by Cath

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