Tag: Human TuneUp Column by Cath

Human TuneUp Column by Cath

| August 7, 2018 | Comment Now!
Human TuneUp Column by Cath

Are you thinking what I thought? With all the pill commercials on television and the pill-filled aisles at the store, it’s no wonder I had the volume-of-death-from-disease way out of perspective. From what we are fed, you would think we are all dying of one disease or another and quite possibly in the next 30 […]

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Human TuneUp Column by Cath

| July 2, 2018 | Comment Now!
Human TuneUp Column by Cath

Summer by the Sea We honor the sea and those who work to keep it livable and those who work to coax out its mysteries and let us in on its secrets. We honor the great force of the sea and all those who live in it and by it. Our ears hear the sea’s […]

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Human TuneUp Column by Cath

| April 2, 2018 | Comment Now!
Human TuneUp Column by Cath

Pace Thyself My writing teacher Ashley was suffering with cancer. We who loved her were barely able to consider the possibility of her not making it. One day, while her husband Rick went out to run some errands and breathe a bit, I sat with her and, when she asked, I began reading to her. […]

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Human TuneUp Column by Cath

| January 2, 2018 | Comment Now!
Human TuneUp Column by Cath

What’s Your Dream? I remember one of the closing scenes in the movie “Pretty Woman.” A man is doing a slow stroll down the sidewalk, saying loudly and more than once to all who would hear: “What’s your dream?” It’s that time of year again. Dreamin’ time. It’s a new year after all and a […]

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Human TuneUp Column by Cath

| September 6, 2017 | Comment Now!
Human TuneUp Column by Cath

Cut loose the “never happy” Have you ever had to let go of a “never happy” friend in your life? This is difficult for a lot of us. In my case, because I lived with the belief that once a friend always a friend, it was especially tough. I’ve had to end friendships twice. It […]

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Human TuneUp Column by Cath

| June 6, 2017 | Comment Now!
Human TuneUp Column by Cath

Time Out I was young and out to save the world. From a hometown of 12,000, I was testing the waters of the big city. I came west from Michigan to California with my college degree and ended up working in the downtown welfare office. My job was to take applications for welfare and determine […]

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Human TuneUp Column by Cath

| February 6, 2017 | Comment Now!

Laugh and Love Laugh enough? Belly laughs leave their ripple effect in the body. Now and then a chuckle does too. I imagine a good laugh is much like a massage – only inside. Shaking up the cells, waking them up, settling in again with a new vitality. Avoid the humorless and those with no […]

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