Tag: New Years Resolution

New Year´s Resolutions (NYRs) that Stick

| December 31, 2013 | Comment Now!

by Mrs. Freud Again, another young and fresh year inspires us to a better version of ourselves: Happier, lighter, nicer, richer, healthier… The possibilities are endless. Wanting to change for the better is a great thing, and certainly doable. But are there items on your list that have been there year, after year, after year? […]

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Application Makes All the Difference

| December 29, 2011 | 0 Comments

By Blake Beckcom You’ve decided, “I’m going to get into shape.” You are motivated, you are determined; you are ready to get after it. There’s no stopping you, this time. A delicious ad for a treadmill appears, and “that’s it,” “I’ll buy a treadmill and use it everyday.” You execute your purchase, obtain delivery and […]

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