Tag: San Diego Council on Literacy

Read This and See! The San Diego Council on Literacy (SDCOL) recently held its “Literacy Champions Reception” and “Hall of Fame” induction. Yes, I was there. And, I was “inducted!” In thanks, I performed the event’s shortest speech: “Reading is Educational! Reading is Tranquilizing! Reading is Power!” Yes, a belief heartily shared by my co-awardees, […]
What Now?

We’re Eatin’, We’re Drinkin’, Most Importantly, We’re Reading! You know how we are: We Eat. We Drink. We Read. We’re literate. The benefits? Incalculable! “Literacy is one of the basic foundations of a civilized society.” says County supervisor Greg Cox. That’s why the San Diego Council on Literacy’s (SDCOL) annual event, on May 18, celebrates […]
The More You Know…Your Life in Literacy!
Oh, c’mon, columnist Nicholas Kristoff, don’t go using words like “heuristic,” thinking that we who consider ourselves highly literate know what it means. Abbreviated, here’s his sentence: “A leader of a prominent internet company…told me that the firm regards admission to Harvard as a useful heuristic of talent…” It’s possible that grade-school kids get “heuristic” […]
Literacy Campaign Aims at Public Engagement

San Diego Council on Literacy, the County’s leading provider of literacy services, unveiled plans for LITERACY 20/20, a new and broad-based five-year campaign to combat low literacy at its 22nd annual Chairman’s Circle event held December 10th at Fairbanks Ranch Country Club. Drew Schlosberg received the Council’s Literacy Luminary Award, presented by community leader and […]