Tag: Twitter
San Diegans Can Help a Local Hero Get National Attention

The Emilio Nares Foundation (ENF), a San Diego non-profit that offers resources to families with children battling cancer, is pleased to announce its co-founder and executive director, Richard Nares, is among CNN’s “Top 10 Heroes of 2013.” The annual campaign recognizes everyday people who are changing the world during the “CNN Heroes: An All-Star Tribute” […]
What Now? Hack Me Not!
No wonder Julian Assange took a talk-show host job. Given that hacking’s not what it used to be, the master’s career was probably in serious decline. If he weren’t booted out of the game by the authorities, by now his gig’s pretty far gone, anyway, taken over by … the times. By which I mean, […]
San Dieggan Earns KFC Colonel’s Scholars Scholarship

Today, a photo is worth more than a thousand words – it’s worth a college education. Kentucky Fried Chicken has announced that Daniel Galuppo from Torrey Pines High School in San Diego, California won a $20,000 KFC Colonel’s Scholars® scholarship based on a single photo shared on Twitter. KFC selected Daniel Galuppo from high school […]