Tag: Weight Loss
A Graceful Take on Weight Loss

A frequent topic from my coaching clients is the dreaded weight loss issue. When they start talking about it, I can already see the shame they have around it. Their posture sinks, voice loses energy, face is stripped of its natural radiance. How sad, I think, looking at this very accomplished, strong and passionate person […]
Healthy Eating: Tips and Tricks for a Nutrition Transition
Spring is in the air bringing changes to weather, wardrobes and waistlines. With the holidays and cold weather months behind you and plans for spring break trips, pool time lounging and outdoor activities in the near future, this is the perfect time to focus on healthy eating. In light of National Nutrition Month, now is […]
Jump Start Your Fitness Routine
As you roll in to this New Year, you may find yourself in a rut of doing the “same old, same old” when it comes to your fitness and wellness routine. As the temperatures get cooler, climbing on the dreaded treadmill or elliptical machine may seem to be your only options for burning up those […]