Celebrate Fall at Horses of Tir Na Nog

| October 8, 2019 | Comment Now!

Celebrate the horses and other animals that call Horses of Tir Na Nog home at the annual Fall Celebration from 11 a.m. to noon, Saturday October 12 at Horses of Tir Na Nog and Rancho Samataguma, located at 26930 Old Hwy. 80, Guatay, CA 91931.

Guests are invited to visit with the horses and then move down the road to Rancho Samataguma to enjoy a hot dog picnic. A silent auction will help raise funds for the horses and other ranch residents.

Tickets must be purchased in advance at www.horsesoftirnanog.org: $40 for adults; $15 for young adults 13 to18 years of age; $10 for children 6 to12 years old; five and under are free.

Horses of Tir Na Nog, San Diego’s longest operating equine sanctuary, will be celebrating its mustang herd during its annual Fall Celebration.  The sanctuary is currently caring for over fifty equines and is an adoption partner with County of San Diego Department of Animal Services and works in compliance with American Association of Equine Practitioners (AAEP) Rescue and Retirement Guidelines. Horses of Tir Na Nog is a community-supported equine sanctuary that offers a safe-haven to horses with few options remaining, thereby ensuring them a better quality of life.   

Horses of Tir Na Nog will be celebrating its mustang herd during its annual Fall Celebration.

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Category: Animals, Events, Local News

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