300 Pairs of Shoes Are Donated to San Diego Rescue Mission Clients

| October 8, 2019 | Comment Now!

This past September, UnitedHealthcare donated 300 pairs of new athletic shoes to clients of the San Diego Rescue Mission.  This event was made possible by the donation of $22,000 from UnitedHealthcare, which was used to purchase the 300 pairs of new shoes for the men, women, and children at the San Diego Rescue Mission. Employee volunteers and leaders from UnitedHealthcare were on site at the Rescue Mission distributing the shoes and interacting with the clients at the Rescue Mission.  

The Dreambuilders Foundation is an organization that UnitedHealthcare works with across the country to help facilitate these events. The Dreambuilders Foundation is a nonprofit organization that works with pro athletes across the country to help financially, physically and mentally-challenged kids receive the items, opportunities and equipment they need to reach their dreams.

Kevin Kandalaft, CEO, UnitedHealthcare Community Plan of California was joined by Assemblymember Todd Gloria and Councilmember Chris Ward, to help size and distribute new athletic shoes to the families.

In the United States, UnitedHealthcare offers the full spectrum of health benefit programs for individuals, employers, and Medicare and Medicaid beneficiaries, and contracts directly with more than 1.2 million physicians and care professionals, and 6,500 hospitals and other care facilities nationwide.

United Healthcare volunteers help pass out Under Aromour brand shoes to homeless clients at the San Diego Rescue Mission on Wednesday, September 25, 2019.(Photo by Sandy Huffaker/United Healthcare)

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