Fall News from the Mission Hills Garden Club

By Elaine Wilson, Mission Hills Garden Club president Fall has arrived and it’s time for planting. By the time you are reading this, the Mission Hills Garden Club will have conducted our first meeting of the year; Chuck McClung will have spoken on fall gardening tips. For your benefit, we have a great year planned […]
Three-month-old Red Panda Cub Named In time for International Red Panda Day

In time for International Red Panda Day, the 3-month-old red panda cub at the San Diego Zoo, received her new name. The endangered cub will now be called Pavitra (pronounced pah-vee-tra), which means “sacred” in Nepali. Pavitra was born June 9 to first-time parents Adira and Lucas, and she is the first red panda born at the Zoo since 2006. […]
Annual Día de Los Muertos Celebration Lights Up Old Town San Diego

Old Town San Diego presents its annual Día de Los Muertos celebration, a vibrant and culturally rich event that draws thousands of visitors each year. This year’s festivities promise to be more enchanting than ever before, with a lineup of exciting activities and traditions that will captivate visitors of all ages. The centerpiece of the […]
Seedling Grown from Atomic Bomb Survivor Tree Planted at San Diego Botanic Garden

This August, San Diego Botanic Garden (SDBG) joins in partnership and unity with Green Legacy Hiroshima (GLH) Initiative to dedicate a newly planted ginkgo tree descended from a mother tree that survived the atomic bombing of Hiroshima, Japan more than 70 years ago. The Survivor Tee Commemoration will take place at the Garden at 4:15 p.m., […]
Respected Leader Announces Retirement After 21 Years at the Helm

Alberto Cortés has announced that after 21 years of dedicated service, he will be retiring from his position as chief executive officer of Mama’s Kitchen, after elevating the organization into a national model for medically tailored meal delivery and the Food is Medicine movement. “Making the decision to retire from this impactful organization that I’ve […]
Mission Hills Artists Return for the Holiday Season
After a three-year hiatus, due to Covid, the Mission Hills Art Show and Sale will return from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Saturday, November 4 at the Mission Hills United Church of Christ for a wonderful Show and Sale. This will be an exciting exhibit of all kinds of art from jewelry to paintings, to […]