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Running for an Important Cause

| April 3, 2016 | Comment Now!
Running for an Important Cause

Recently I met with two of my close friends (Richard and Diane Nares) who were excited to share with me a collaborative program that was benefitting a non-profit organization that they helped to create. The Emilio Nares Foundation (ENF), founded in 2003, has been serving low-income families whose children are fighting cancer. The organization’s most […]

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Super Tuesday Election in Our Community

| March 9, 2016 | Comment Now!

As the nation was preparing for election results for Super Tuesday of the Presidential Election, the Uptown Community, which includes Mission Hills, Hillcrest, University Heights and Bankers Hill, also had an important election. This election was for the upcoming board members for the Uptown Planners. This organization is responsible for voting on the Community Plan […]

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What Now?

| March 9, 2016 | Comment Now!
What Now?

The Euphorbia, Trust Me! Now and then in my now-long life, I am keenly reminded that I’m … from the Bronx. I mean, who in the Bronx ever heard of “The Euphorbia?” It sounds like a Greek play. These days, they might ship these evil little growths from the southwest, just to pique curiosity, and […]

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Part Two: Kenya Sojourn

| March 9, 2016 | Comment Now!
Part Two:   Kenya  Sojourn

When I wrote about our trip to Kenya, I stressed the luxuriousness of our camps. The camp guides can identify each mammal, bird, reptile and probably insect. In addition, they know all the plants. Each camp guide leads you to a plethora of animals doing whatever they do normally. I heard the Latin names of […]

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Transparency and Government

| February 2, 2016 | Comment Now!

Is Change on the Horizon? My friend, George Mitrovich, who is a passionate writer, shares in this issue his impression of our current president. Though I respect George’s political experience and outlook, he and I don’t share the same observation and feelings about the current president and his accomplishments and contributions. The reason I make […]

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What Now?

| February 2, 2016 | Comment Now!
What Now?

The Treksters She went north; he crossed the ocean. Both Maggie Espinosa and Don Gullans invested months of preparation for their “Camino” treks: Espinosa, 800 miles through the California’s El Camino Real, from San Diego to Sonoma, and Gullans, across northern Spain’s El Camino de Santiago. Gullans spent two months on the trail; Espinosa, in […]

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Part One: Kenya Sojourn

| February 2, 2016 | Comment Now!
Part One:  Kenya Sojourn

Travel broadens the mind. I disagree. Being in a location with people who have had different experiences, whose way of life is unlike yours, whose physical environment is different from yours is enlightening. Traveling coach by air, to go from point A to point B, is exhausting and annoying. However, the destination can make the […]

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Singer Gillian Margot Reinvents a Diverse Mix of Jazz, Soul and Pop Songs

| February 1, 2016 | Comment Now!
Singer Gillian Margot Reinvents a Diverse Mix of Jazz, Soul and Pop Songs

All-Star Cast and Grammy-Nominated Pianist Combine their Talents Up-and-coming singer Gillian Margot is just as much at home with jazz standards as she is with R&B, blues and the sophisticated side of pop music. She’s earned an avid global following from Asia to her native Canada and the USA. On her debut album as a […]

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Malashock Dance to Open 2016 Season with ‘Signatures’ Performances

| January 3, 2016 | 0 Comments
Malashock Dance to Open 2016 Season with ‘Signatures’ Performances

To kick-off the company’s 28th season, Malashock Dance aims to deliver big plans and big impact through more accessible programming. The schedule begins with “Malashock Signatures,” an intimate and thrilling program of dance that highlights two “signature” works and two world premieres by John Malashock, artistic director, Malashock Dance. Performances will be held Jan. 22 […]

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What Social Security Changes Mean For You

| December 5, 2015 | Comment Now!

The federal Bipartisan Budget Act of 2015 came as a mixed blessing for Baby Boomers who are at or near retirement. While the deal passed by Congress in late September avoided an ugly political fight and government shutdown, it also dramatically altered some beneficial Social Security optimization strategies for married couples who are near retirement. […]

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