Health & Fitness
Concerned for Yourself, a Friend or Family Member?

Yesterday I spoke to a young woman who was willing to share her experiences with an eating disorder. I was introduced to her through representatives of National Eating Disorders Awareness (NEDA) Week, which was this past month. Throughout the country NEDA groups held walks to bring more awareness to this disorder. Because of the […]
Tree Envy

Walking the neighborhood is a chance to review landscape plants that I know to have healing uses. Most are imports from other parts of the world that have become popular in our gardens due to beauty and survival in our climate. This time of year, one of the treats is to see a pau d’arco […]
Ways to Beat the Flu
by Aubree Lynn There is nothing worse than feeling your body succumbing to the attack of a virus. Over the past several months there have been many reports of people suffering for weeks and months from the flu, and there have been numerous deaths. When the doctor visits and prescribed meds aren’t doing much to […]
Healthy Snack Time

In preparation of parties, picnics and snacks for the upcoming baseball season, The Better Chip wants to offer some new flavors, including jalapeno, spinach and kale and sweet corn. The Better Chip is the perfect partner for entertaining and family snacking, and is verified non-GMO, with only five easy to pronounce ingredients in each […]
Under My Flakey Skin
Recently I was contacted by a friend for advice on dealing with Psoriasis. She, like many people requesting herbal treatment, was looking for a magic elixir that could be applied topically to solve her skin problems. After getting frustrated with the pharmaceutical approach, she was turning to natural remedies in hopes that she could simply […]
Presidio Meet Up For Exercise and More

by Dove Kirby If you happen to drive by Presidio Park on Tuesday or Thursday morning and see a group of people exercising, give them a shout out—rest assured they are pushing themselves. But they’re doing more than just working out their bodies, they’re giving back to the community by supporting a great cause. This […]
Reasonable Resolutions
Setting Yourself Up for Success in ANY YEAR By Blake Beckcom Now that the last gift boxes have been put away and the holiday decorations are starting to come down, the New Year and a new set of resolutions is well underway. Before you get sucked into the stress of setting New Year’s resolutions and […]
The Unconscious Eaters Playbook
The kick off to the holiday season is in full swing. The Halloween candy is gone, and now we face the daunting task of managing weight gain avoidance from what we did at Thanksgiving and what we are about to do at Christmas. The time of year between Halloween and New Year’s is prime time […]