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Garden of the Spirit

| October 5, 2014 | Comment Now!
Garden of the Spirit

. Tag! I am it. The volunteers at the Trees for Health Arboretum in Balboa Park have asked for a volunteer’s manual. As the volunteer who has been there the longest, twenty years, I am the default author to get it done. As I start roughing out an outline of topics, I find that most […]

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“I Give Up”

| September 12, 2014 | Comment Now!

Sticking to a fitness routine over the long haul takes guts, determination, courage and a dose of motivation. If being fit and healthy were an easy proposition, everyone would look younger and live longer, but given it is not easy, grasping on to some distant visions of who you are likely to become down the […]

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Back to School with the Children´s Needs in Mind

| September 12, 2014 | 0 Comments

by Mrs. Freud While the kids are still enjoying the last of summer, parents are getting ready for their next round of classes, assignments, meetings, etc. It can be very stressful for the parents, especially if the child has any kind of diagnosed needs, such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). We can all learn […]

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Stone Season Has Arrived

| August 17, 2014 | Comment Now!
Stone Season Has Arrived

by Charlotte Tenney MA Integrative Health Our bodies give us lots of warning signals that allow us to make lifestyle adjustments to stay in physical and mental balance. Crystallized minerals in the urine, also known as kidney stones, are one of those signals. The symptoms can be subtle, such as persistent low-grade pain in the […]

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Three Tips to Avoid a Meltdown

| August 17, 2014 | Comment Now!

by Blake Beckcom With summer temperatures on the rise, it can be hard to focus on your workouts and keep your eye on the prize. As sweat drips down your face and clothes stick in various places, it’s a lot easier to throw in the towel and accept defeat, instead of sticking to your routine […]

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When Herbalists Retire

| May 18, 2014 | Comment Now!
When Herbalists Retire

What possibly could have inspired Danielle Cook to volunteer as the event coordinator for the “Healing Waters & Arts Festival” that is taking place in Jacumba Hot Springs this month? It has been a more than a yearlong labor of love, not to mention inspiration, cooperation, frustration and jubilation. She has been the driving force […]

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Putting a Stop to Middle-Age Spread

| May 18, 2014 | Comment Now!

As you approach the 40-50 age groups it can be an exciting time of change, opportunity, prosperity and positive personal growth. But, at the same time, life can get complicated and busy as your family grows, you find less time for you, finding yourself getting more involved in, well, everything. Before you know it, the […]

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Seasons 52 – Dieters Delight

| April 5, 2014 | Comment Now!

Dieting is difficult. Very few people like to do it. At its best – and maybe at its worst – it requires motivation, self control, and self deprivation of many of one’s favorite foods. The difficulty is perhaps why our country has one of the world’s highest obesity rates. But, now there’s help. A relatively […]

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I’m Ready, Coach.

| April 5, 2014 | Comment Now!
I’m Ready, Coach.

  Lots of recent health research has centered on the psycho-social aspects of what predicts our well-being. One study found that a person’s weight is often predicted by their social network; slim folks hang out with others who are trim and heftier people gravitate toward friends of similar girth. Other research shows the importance of […]

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Sweating With Your Sweetie

| April 5, 2014 | Comment Now!

The Pros and Cons of Getting Your Burn On Together Now that you’re more than a month into your health and fitness goals for the year, you might be thinking it’s time to spice up your workouts by inviting your spouse to join you at the gym. Before you embark on the journey of sweating […]

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