Health & Fitness
The Muse News

As I write to you this issue from my 12-acre farm in Byron Bay, Australia, I am inspired to share the goodness of grow-your-own, weekly farmers markets and the great joy of living off the land. Proclaimed green thumb, or not, there has never been a better time than now to embrace the art of […]
Your Highest Most Devoted Training Partner
We have 4 little Chihuahuas, Peanut, Butter, Toast, and Jelly that are a handful. Amazingly, their little legs, courageous spirits, bossy and demanding personalities have them out front towing the line as to whom will lead our pack and whom will follow. Hence at the end of our dog walks, we are sweaty and a […]
Nutrient Timing
The Ins and Outs of Fueling for Activity “You are what you eat,” is a common saying in the fitness industry. But, when it comes to optimizing the nutrients you put into your body, when you eat can be a significant factor to your body’s performance and energy levels. By using a concept known as […]
Got Work Arounds?
We all well know the adage; “no pain, no gain”. It is true, that staying fit requires discipline and workouts that push our limits, which in reality, is what’s required to get our body to adapt. Getting gains requires some level of pain acceptance to move the needle…period. No pain no gain is about “owning […]
Black Pastors Group President, Erin Brockovich, Others Call for Fluoridegate Hearings

Federal health officials, in close communication with dental industry representatives, worked feverishly to blunt spread of news that African Americans are disproportionately harmed by drinking fluoridated water, according to recently obtained Freedom of Information Act documents. The documents show clearly-worried high level Health and Human Services (HHS) and Centers for Disease Control (CDC) employees working […]
This is what your salad bar looks like without pollinators

Pollinators play a vital role in producing one-third of the world’s food crops, but they are disappearing at alarming rates. Whole Foods Market and The Xerces Society are joining forces to “share the buzz” about the plight of the pollinators and empower shoppers to “bee” part of the solution. During a recent two-week campaign, Whole […]
“Fight to Save Bees” Waged in California Courtrooms

by Suzanne Potter Save the bees! That’s the battle cry in two ongoing court cases in California where beekeepers and environmental groups are fighting regulators over the use of pesticides they contend harm bees and crops. On Tuesday, on behalf of the groups, the law firm Earthjustice asked a federal judge in San Francisco to […]
Back to BASICS
New Year’s Resolutions by this time have more than likely come and gone. Some made it, most failed. It’s the nature of resolutions…and, the nature of fitness burn out. In our fast pace, easy access to everything, high demand for instant gratification lives, it is easy to lose sight of fitness being a journey. We […]
Kinesio Tape: Fashion Fad or Sports Medicine Cure?
by Sean Ryback Recently, I was watching a lifting competition on TV with a friend and we discussed the new trend of athletes wearing brightly colored neon elastic tape on their bodies. Is it a new flashy fashion trend in the exercise world or innovative technology for correct muscle function, improved circulation, pain relief, and […]
A Research Herbalist in Little Italy

Most herbalists that I meet are of the clinical variety; they give health consultations to clients and prescribe herbal supplements to improve overall body function based on symptoms and history. Some, like me, are health educators who promote self-management by providing guidelines and information. Others are manufacturers who like to process raw materials into products. […]